Procurement Act 2023 remains scheduled to go live at 00:01 24th February 2025. In-tend will be ready to go live from this time and date with all the notices that have been made available by Cabinet Office.
Procurement Act 2023 Frequently Asked Questions
Procurement Assistance
The Public Procurement Act 2023 introduces significant changes, making expert guidance more essential than ever. With In-tend's Procurement Helpdesk, your organisation has direct access to procurement professionals who actively lead procurement exercises across the public and private sectors.
- Regulation-Focused Support - Stay compliant with expert insights on the Public Procurement Act 2023 and evolving legislative requirements
- Industry Expertise - Benefit from professionals with hands-on experience across goods, services, and works contracts
- Tailored Procurement Guidance - Raise queries specific to your organisation and receive expert responses
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Your definitive guide to the Procurement Act
- Clear explanations of key changes
- Practical steps for compliance
- Expert insights from procurement specialists
1. Procurement Act 2023 and Compliance
All necessary functionality to ensure continued compliance with UK legislation has been generated and is ready for release when the act goes live. This will include an automatic "switch on" of new functionality at 00:01 on 24th February 2025.
There will be no changes to the general appearance and look of the system and all current user settings will remain in place. The key difference will be additional elements will now be available in certain areas to include:
- New competitive flexible wizard available for configuration and association with project values
- New e-notices wizard - this will appear in the project and/or contract summary screens of All projects and/or contracts created AFTER go live.
The current webinars are being presented on the team's internal live demonstration systems and as such may still include legacy terminology. Terminology relating to the new act e.g. replacing journal notices will be updated to reflect go-live
2. Projects, Wizards, and Work-flow Tracking
Projects & Market Engagement
A project value is used within the In-tend system to define/determine the relevant wizard workflows that can or should be run. Typical project values may follow legislation for above and below threshold projects. They may also include organisational specific e.g. up to £10,000 that requires a minimum of three quotes.
Yes - Users have the ability to configure their own project values in-line with both legislative compliance as well as organisational specific rules e.g. up to £10,000 that requires a minimum of three quotes.
A wizard is the In-tend term used to describe a series of guided workflows. Workflows consolidate all required elements in one central area making it a much more efficient process to put together a legislatively compliant process.
An example using the upcoming PA23 is that while the competitive flexible process can be fully realised and supported via the "add project" route within In-tend, the new "Tender Wizard CDP" process will bring all relevant details together in one central area while also enabling the necessary links to the CDP and support notice creation. Wizards can be applied against project values in the system and in turn can be rolled out easily to decentralised areas of the subject organisation via the user rights and privileges.
While new functionality is being introduced to support the act's requirements, this will not adversely affect the current look of your system. Details on the new functionality will continue to be provided via webinars, bulletins and in turn and updated user guide.
3. Competitive Flexible & Tendering
Competitive Flexible is a new process that forms part of PA23.
ITT = Invitation To Tendering
Market Engagement: The process of engaging with the market to determine its needs, challenges and to plan procurement strategies. It can also refer to the process of running procurement projects
Please see the wiki and user guides for more details. Please also contact for any in-depth/bespoke requirements.
Wizards are pre-configured but with the user option to refine certain settings such as standard document sets, questionnaires and procedure types.
Yes user guides and Wikis will be updated to reflect the changes.
The notices will be available in view only format on your training systems for familiarisation purposes only from Monday 17th February 2025.
4. Notices & Publishing
General Notices
A public announcement by an organisation, inviting potential suppliers to submit bids for a specific project or contract, outlining the details of what is needed and the criteria for selection.
A new piece of functionality introduced into the In-tend system to guide the user(s) through notice creation and publish against specific projects and/or contracts.
Selecting the e-notice wizard within the subject project and in turn selecting the appropriate notice. This is then followed by completion of the notice and onward "submission" once completed and verified.
The standstill period is a period of (currently) ten calendar days during which the contract award process is paused i.e. you must not enter into the contract. This is to allow for any queries or challenges to be raised. PA23 introduces an eight-working-day period.
A calendar that details how long a standstill period lasts and in turn when standstill period ends.
Pipeline notices are not yet a requirement for the act. When they are, they will be included in the Notice wizard.
Dynamic Market Notices
Current tender notices include:
UK2 | Preliminary market engagement notice |
UK3 | Planned procurement notice |
UK4 | Tender notice |
UK5 | Transparency notice |
UK6 | Contract award notice |
UK7 | Contract details notice |
UK10 | Contract change notice |
UK11 | Contract termination notice |
UK12 | Procurement termination notice |
UK13 | Dynamic market intention notice |
UK14 | Dynamic market establishment notice |
UK15 | Dynamic market modification notice |
UK16 | Dynamic market cessation notice |
UK13 | Dynamic market intention notice |
UK14 | Dynamic market establishment notice |
UK15 | Dynamic market modification notice |
UK16 | Dynamic market cessation notice |
These notices have not as yet been made available by Cabinet Office, and our understanding is that these will be made available later in the year. We will provide updates via our weekly bulletins when we have further information on these notices.
Notices can be changed after submission by publishing a new notice of the same type that supersedes the previous one.
Notices can be changed after submission via the publishing of a new notice of same type that “supersedes” the previous one.
Error Handling
The e-Notice Wizard will highlight any errors in the relevant notice and identify the correction needed.
Institutional Account Integration
Yes - Notices will be linked with the subject organisations API key.
5. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) & Reporting
A questionnaire is a set of questions designed to gather information about key performance indicators (KPIs) within a company or department. This allows for assessment of performance against specific goals and objectives by collecting data on relevant metrics and areas of focus
A minimum of three
In-tend's dedicated KPI questionnaire functionality enables users to create any number of KPI questionnaires and subsequent questions. Please see the user and wiki guides for more information and/or contact for any additional/bespoke support.
This currently forms part of our development pipeline.
6. System Configuration & API Key Management
Central Digital Platform (CDP)
The CDP stands for the Central Digital Platform which is the Government's new platform allowing UK contracting authorities to publish procurement information. It also allows suppliers to register and bid for contracts.
No - the CDP going live will not affect your current In-tend user settings and/or system configuration. You will however need to upload your unique API key into the In-tend system. This can be done via a dedicated area created in the global preferences section of the system.
We will continue to provide CDP updates at the end of each webinar session however there will also be a dedicated CDP API webinar scheduled for Friday 21st February.
API Key Management
API keys are available via the CDP. Once generated, they can be added to your In-tend system, via the dedicated CDP/API tab of your global preferences.
API keys can be easily updated in the In-tend system. If any are lost or accidentally deleted, this will need to be raised directly with the CDP support as the key itself is not of In-tend design
You will need to add the 'Add API Key' rights under your group/user.
This is an internal field to be used as a visual aid. This can be set by the user to any reference.
Users will require an API key per contracting authority/legal entity.
Yes - The same API key can be stored across multiple customers requiring a unique name each time the same API key is stored.
Users with multiple API keys will be able to add each key on a customer level within the system. Generating a process under a specific customer will in-turn invoke the relevant API key.
Functionality for this has been implemented enabling users to add multiple API keys at customer level.
Yes - When only a single API key is required for a Contracting Authority, this should be stored in the global preferences under the Central Digital Platform (CDP) tab. Where multiple API keys are required to publish notices under differing Contracting Authorities, this is achieved by storing each API Key against a separate 'Customer' of the system. Where an API Key stored at the customer level and also within global preferences, the API key for the customer leading the project will take precedence in the publication of the notices. In either scenario, only one active API key should be stored per specific area of the system.
7. Training & Support
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