Designed for procurement teams who are challenged to ensure best practice whilst meeting ever tighter budgetary constraints, the sharing and use of HUB based resources, improves performance and reduces risk.
Each organisation retains their own distinct tenant, thereby enabling the flexibility to ensure the platform meets their needs, through set ups, available licences and any third party integrations
The In-tend HUB shares resources such as Framework Agreements, DPS, Approved Supplier Lists, Document sets and Contracts, can be used to streamline procurement activities.
It can be used to simplify the creation, management, recording and monitoring of each procurement and Contract exercise, therefore saving significant time, reducing paperwork and minimising associated risk.
Choose which resources you wish to share
When you sign into your In-tend system, you will have exclusive access to all of your In-tend products and resources. You decide which resources you wish to keep segregated and which resources you want to make available for other organisations to access.
Access resources shared by other organisations
Via the HUB you will be able to access resources such as Framework Agreements, DPS, Approved Supplier Lists, Document sets and Contracts that have been made available by other organisations.
Full control over access permissions
As a host of your shared resources, you will have full control over what other organisations can and can not do with your resources via varying levels of access permissions. This can be configured for each organisation individually.
Run tender opportunities from a pool of shared resources
With access to resources across multiple organisations, you will be able to prepare and publish tender opportunities quickly and easily.
The In-tend HUB in action
The In-tend's HUB has been created to allow collaborative procurement capabilities, ranging from simply asking a subject matter expert to evaluate technical responses through to sharing of tender documents, collaborative projects and sharing of frameworks with other In-tend's user organisations. Bringing together the inherent benefits of a stand alone tenants with the ability of the historically used shared systems, you can enjoy the best of both worlds.
Users/Organisations will have the ability to share resources such as Framework Agreements, DPS, Approved Supplier Lists, Document sets and Contracts, can be used to streamline procurement activities. Sharing resources enhances the collaboration by allowing users to access data sets that have been available to share.
For example, Organisation B being able to call-off from a Framework that Organisation A has created and run. Access rights are determined by in this example the framework holder and that will determine what Organisation B can and can not do.

Examples of Projects that have been published to the Hub. Ideal for collaborative use of Dynamic Purchasing Systems. The example shows a Transport DPS being managed by Organisation 'Demo 1' but Published and available for use (e.g Call Off DPS) for the other Organisations in the Hub Network.

This example shows a DPS 'Hosted' by another Organisation 'Demo 1' but has been published to Tenant 'Demo 2'. This allows the user from this Organisation easily use the 'Call Off DPS' function to issue a DPS Competition against the suppliers from the Main DPS Hosted by Oragnisation 'Demo 1'. Each time a Call of DPS is issued, the system will synchronise the suppliers and Lot Qualification results from the Host system to the Target Tenant, to ensure realtime accuracy of suppliers invited to bid.

This example shows a Framework Contract about to be published to the 'HUB'. Note that the user has full control over which Organisations the Contract will be accessible by, along with access permissions (Can View, Can Use, Can Import)
Whilst the Hub Dashboard serves as a central area for reviewing Project, Contract and Shared Resource Information, the In-tend Organiser has a new area for accessing information shared through the Hub Network. The 'HUB' Filters can be used to search things that have been shared to the HUB Network.

From the Contract Administration screen you can view all Contracts that have been published to the Hub. In this example, we've filtered the Contracts list to display only those with 'Limited Use' permissions.

This example shows a Framework Agreement 'Hosted' by another Organisation (Demo 1) but has been published to Tenant (Demo 2). This allows the user from this Organisation easily use the 'Call Off Framework' function to issue a mini competition against the suppliers on the hosted Framework.

The Hub Dashboard keeps track of all Organisations that have used the Framework from the collective Hub Network.

Module features
- The ability to share your information with users from other In-tend Organisations for joint procurements.
- Rights and permissions driven access allows the use of the system by a wide range of staff, without fear of confidential data being exposed to unathorised personel.
- Full audit trails of user activity are embedded into the system, making traceability issues a thing of the past.
- Links to other systems such as an ERP platform enable cost and Contract management of providers remains independant to each organisation.
- Built in reporting tool can be utilised to extract and manage key data sets, alternatively, the platform can be linked via API to data analysis tools such as PowerBI or Tableu.
Curious to find out more?
or call us on 0114 407 0056